Monday, December 17, 2007

A rose is is a rose

I was just looking through my Burda E554 and realized that my table topper from the previous post (0896/20) is called 'FAN' in this "best of the 90's Anna"--probably for the fan things that I need to reblock.

This naming thing is pretty easy, just call it what it is. Altho' there's a lace page I was looking at where the lace pieces were renamed (or maybe translated). But I have no idea which pattern I need to find. So, I'm all for giving as much information as possible -- and not just 'old German magazine'. argh! I've got a bunch of old German magazines...which ones? Okay, it's now a toss-up among Filigree, Lyra, and Federolde... I just need a three-sided coin.

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