Thursday, September 06, 2007

Extra Anna for destash

Can you believe it? I've got TWO issues of Anna 9/85.

Anyway, to my few readers out there, anyone interested in this? It's an used copy of Anna (English) with Small Fruhling by HERBERT NIEBLING.

This is the Sep 1985 issue-- ENCHANTING CREATIONS OF KNITTED LACE - TABLE COVER, LAMP AND FRINGED TABLECLOTH. Okay, isn't that purty? The lamp and tablecloth are nice, but this pattern is why I got it.

Anyway, will trade for another Anna with knitted lace patterns (that I don't have--Niebling preferred) or will sell (make me an offer). If interested, send me an email and we'll chat. I would love to have someone also knit this up. I'm knitting the Niebling up with linen yarn as you're reading.

And if you're going to Lacis this weekend, let me know and I can bring it.


fleegle said...

I have it, ha ha!

old lady said...

I would LOVE to buy it - but have no idea what's a fair price?!?!

Stefaneener said...

You're just a lace goddess. I know my limits.

The Chickengoddess said...

I would love to buy that magazine if it is still available. Is 12 dollars ok? I don't know how much that would go for. email me at chickengoddessATmindspringDOTcom. Thanks!