Monday, August 06, 2007

Not enough time...

I'm torn.

I just finally have HP7 and told the lender-friend that I'm a super fast reader and I'd be done w/ the book lickety split. And I've got MS3 and doily on the needles. Not to mention steg. I've got one of four spikes done for him and then all I have to do is to felt the spikes and then seam and stuff.

It's not like I can read HP7 AND knit lace or some fiddly little spike. I did toy with the idea of setting up another cropped cardi or Wicked or Green Gables and start that up since all of those projects are pretty brainless once you get past the set-up.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll end up reading first...and every once in awhile, I'll stop and knit a row of something.

Altho' I attended a party this weekend where I overheard a guy saying that he and his girlfriend each had their own book and read the book in 37 hours. (they don't have kids)

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