Saturday, March 18, 2006


Sorry for not blogging lately, things have been uhmmm...eventful.

2 calls to 911
3 ambulance rides*
~2 weeks total in the hospital
4 significant bleeds
2 days of fasting in case of 'emergency surgery'
too many to count hospital cafeteria 'gd' meals plus snacks
6 IV lines 'just in case'
2 painful shots of Betamethasone
1 diagnosis of complete placenta previa
1 pair of toe-up on one circular needles socks

ZERO 29/30 week baby...Priceless!

But, did ya notice? I finished my socks! I'll have to take a picture of the completed socks in a little bit.

Complete placenta previa--yeah, at 10 weeks, when I got my CVS, they mentioned that my placenta was there, but hey, it'll move. At 18 weeks, when I got my main ultrasound, again, they noted the position of the placenta, but hey, it's only 18 weeks and the placenta will move... well, apparently, it didn't move.

As for the bleeding, it wasn't painful or anything, there just were very impressive amounts of it. So much that they had to put additional IVs in to make sure that I would get lots o' blood if I needed a transfusion. It's a little freaky to bleed like that and have no pain (while blood is literally running down the legs). z's dad likened it to a CSI crime scene.

As for the hospital, the nurses were kind and very helpful. The TV sucked (no cable). And the food? blech. And you'd think that a large hospital would figure out a diabetic diet w/o any problems...but no. I had sugar spikes because they accidently gave me regular food . And there were times when the nurses scrounged food for me because the dietician so limited my carbohydrates that they didn't give me enough calories to eat.

Anyway, the good news is that every day the baby is on the inside means that she'll be healthier and have to spend less time in the NICU. We're shooting for 36 weeks, would be happy at 34 weeks and would settle for 32 weeks (I'm at 30weeks 5 days).

*the first time we called 911, the ambulance took us to the local hospital w/o any OB care and had to call for another ambulance to take me to my hospital.

1 comment:

Janis said...

I hope that everything goes well and I will keep good thoughts for you! Keep knitting :-)