Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How was TKGA?

I'm so envious of all that were able to attend TKGA last week. I had it marked on my calendar...and even when I found out that I was going to be bedrested and likely not be able to attend, I was still hoping that hey, maybe I'll be able to go and look around for 30 minutes on Sunday(that's the length of time I can 'exercise' per day).

Well, gee, guess what? yep, that darn Placenta Previa...I had to go back to the hospital again and had a couple of nights stay. So, no fondling of pretty yarns, no great yarns to pick up (sigh). Instead, I got to read a really pulpy badly written romance novel (think Harlequin but longer and more trashy). Hey, it did pass the time since I didn't get a chance to bring my knitting.

Oh, what else? no baby yet. She's not done at 36weeks (according to the amnio), even with the Betasone shots. Maybe next week. Or the week after. I guess the good news is that I didn't have to stay in the hospital for the duration. How sucky would that be?!

Oh, I'm trying to figure out a pattern for the pink baby blanket. I was going to do a sampler blanket (ala TV show this morning on Knitty Gritty), but I don't want to sew it all together (lame or what?). Then I was thinking maybe I'll do several 'scarves' that look like sampler squares that I then need to sew together, but again, can I do that and not have skinny and thick squares?

My other alternative is to knit a round blanket...hmmm...

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