Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Whiny winding

Okay, I love love my new swift. In fact, I wanted to wind my first windable-only-with-swift laceweight yarn on it. It's a lovely dark blue wool...Placed it on the swift and noticed that there are more than 2 ends...hmmm...what's that all about?! Maybe a separate piece of yarn was used to tie off the skeins...yes, that must be it.

Well, no.

I now have (count them) 7 cakes of yarn! One large and 6 small to very small cakes. What the F? (I'm so bummed I'm not even dignifying it with a picture). I'd be winding a bit, then it would end. How frustrating was that? I'll be able to Russian join them together for the stole I have in mind for it (Persimmon from Summer Knitters mag), but still. I think (I'm hoping) that the hank of yarn was accidently cut? I think that's the case because there were times where I fished out 2 yarn ends that matched perfectly. But still, how annoying. It's not like I'm going to go and get my money back (all purchases final and their last day will be Saturday). Also, I got such a great deal on the swift itself...

Anyway, whine whine vent vent.

Thanks for listening.

On a less whiny note:
I'm 44% done with the edging on the Print O' Wave stole...I am seeing the light.

1 comment:

Stefaneener said...

That's truly frustrating. Nice that the swift worked, though.